Eye Teach Stats

Eye Teach Stats


Eye Teach Stats

Supporting teachers to diagnose and deal with students’ statistical misinterpretations – innovative teacher training with eye-tracking vignettes. 

Eye-Teach-Stats is an Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnership launched in 2023, bringing together four universities across three countries. The project is dedicated to support mathematics teachers in further developing their knowledge and teaching of statistics, both in content and pedagogy.

Data literacy skills

In today’s increasingly data-driven world, data literacy has become a key skill. Critical reflection, interpretation and drawing conclusions from statistical graphs such as histograms, boxplots, case-value plots and dotplots, are central contents of mathematics school education.  Yet, students often struggle with their interpretation.

Eye-Teach-Stats aims to support (prospective) mathematics teachers to diagnose and deal with students’ statistical misinterpretations in the classroom.

Training modules for teachers

The project develops training modules based on the 4C/ID model, introducing innovative learning practices using eye-tracking vignettes. These vignettes are grounded in our eye-tracking research with students and present common statistical misinterpretations. They provide teachers with rich learning opportunities to analyze and reflect on them without the direct pressure to act. The modules will be implemented and evaluated in teacher education programs, and made accessible in three languages (English, German, Dutch) on this website.

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